Install Android 11

It has without a doubt been a quick period of time considering Google launched Android 11, the modern version of Android, first to its Pixel gadgets and for the Android OS totally. If you've got a supported device, then not anything have to hinder you from rocking Android 11 on your phone. And in case you do not know how, we're going to manual you on the way to installation of Android 11 on any smartphone now.         

With all that stated, getting Android 11 relies upon in your smartphone brand, type, and release date. You already recognize that in case you use Google Pixel 2 and later, the solution is computerized YES. Just go to the Software Update section to your gadget to get the modern Android 11 update.

However, it's been an extended since the launch of Android 11, and Google confirms it because the most followed version ever inside the history of Android. Meaning many smartphones, including various models of different brands likes of Samsung, Tecno, Redmi, etc. were upgraded to Android 11.

So, updating your gadget to Android 11 must be simpler. But before we probe into a way to installation of Android 11 on any smartphone, allows test its release date and list of supported gadgets.

Android 11 Release Date

Google launched Android 11 on 8th September 2020, beginning with Google Pixel devices. And in view that then, it has moved out to many smartphones from many manufacturers like Samsung, OnePlus, Xiaomi, OPPO, TECNO, ASUS, and lots of extra.

If you are but to get the Android 11 update for your gadget, study on to learn how to set up Android 11 on any phone. Meanwhile, the Android 11 release date might be exclusive on numerous Android smartphone brands, and phone models.

Android 11 Supported Devices

Before leaping to test for Android 11 updates, it is crucial to recognize if your gadget is eligible. As you probably recognize in the Android OS, every emblem has its way of implementing Android updates on their devices. And the identical is going with Android 11.

The meaning is, you may not get the Android 11 update on the identical time it was launched on the Pixel gadgets. Additionally, many Android devices run handiest up to three years of Android updates. So, in case your gadget has acquired Android updates thrice, you probable may not be qualified to get the upgrade.

It additionally depends on in case your OEM wants to launch Android 11 on your device or not. But, if you use a flagship Android smartphone, you could relax confident of getting the Android 11 update faster. Mid-range and entry-level gadgets may also come later on.

In that, hold in mind as you’re searching out how to set up Android 11 on any device. Your device ought to be compatible before you could upgrade to Android 11.

Below is a listing of a few brands which have launched the Android 11 for their devices.

  • Google Pixel
  • Nokia
  • Oppo
  • Redmi
  • Motorola
  • LG
  • Sony Xperia
  • Aqous Sharp
  • One Plus
  • Samsung
  • Vivo
  • Xiaomi
  • Asus
  • Realme  ..etc

How To Install Android 11 On Any Smartphone
How To Install Android 11 On Any Smartphone.

Having recognized that your gadget is qualified for Android 11, the following step is to install it
at once. And now that Android 11 is not any more in the Beta mode, it's simpler and safe to install it through an OTA update. All you must do is to go to the System Update or Software Update settings on your smartphone, search for updates and set up the Android 11 in case it’s available.

However, ensure you have reserved a proper backup of your information before getting into the installation. Yet it's less in all likelihood that the upgrade might be pram at this stage, it is simply safer to back up your device first.

1. Ensure you’ve backed up your data.

2. Then open your phone Settings

3. Scroll to the bottom until Software Update

4. Tap Software Update or anything similar.

5. Now, tap Check for Updates.

6. If the Android 11 update is available in your gadget, honestly download and install it to revel in the new amazing features.

7. Nevertheless, notice that the update is rolling out in batches. So, even in case your device is eligible, you might not get it right now. Just test again later.

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